Happy 10th birthday to our London office!

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Voted the ‘Best City in the World’ by worldsbestcities.com every year from 2015 to 2023, London has now been dubbed the ‘capital of capitals’.

To mark the 10th anniversary of Middleton’s London office, we asked Ashley Wilsdon – Head of Buying, and James Moran – Head of Sales, for the ‘top 10 London events, developments and trends’ since 2014.

1. Marylebone. The increased demand for Prime Central London neighbourhoods with a real sense of community and artisan streetscape started here.

2. Brexit. Little more to be said. Yes, it was seismic. But – ultimately – no, it hasn’t reduced the allure of the ‘capital of capitals’.

3. Covid. In property terms it initially pushed up demand for country property, then shifted the focus to outdoor space and London postcodes such as Notting Hill and more recently to the need for a dedicated home-office.

4. The Elizabeth line. Original estimate £14.8bn, final cost £18.8bn, putting the HS2 shenanigans to shame and setting the seal on the world’s most comprehensive urban transport system. Journey times, traffic and pollution are all down.

5. Regeneration of King’s Cross. As the Financial Times described it, ‘an exemplar of successful regeneration – from London backwater to gleaming new homes and infrastructure’.

6. Battersea Power Station. For 40 years a symbol of indecision, bureaucracy and planning timidity, the 2022 reopening secured its place as an icon of London’s skyline.

7. Branded residences. Luxury real estate combined with high end hospitality – 20 Grosvenor Square (Four Seasons), The Old War Office (Raffles), The Whiteley (Six Senses) and The Peninsula all followed the original One Hyde Park model.

8. £10,000 per square foot. A milestone for London as the most expensive property per square- foot transaction ever.

9. Food. ‘London’s modern status as a global culinary capital is unassailable’ said Travel and Leisure magazine and we couldn’t agree more. The unstoppable rise of neighbourhood restaurants and street markets are two reasons why London’s food scene has surpassed even New York’s.

10. Tech-wealth. ‘London serves as the primary hub for AI startups in the UK’ according to Forbes Advisor. Tech-driven wealth has created a new breed of wealthy, young entrepreneur and property buyer.