The new Disney+ series Rivals, an adaptation of Dame Jilly Cooper’s classic 1988 novel, has brought fresh attention to the Cotswolds’ less-traveled areas, where equestrian life, historic manors, and vibrant communities coexist. Set in the fictional county of Rutshire, the show borrows from real Cotswolds locales, showcasing a pastoral charm that differs from the more polished Oxfordshire Cotswolds. The mid-Cotswolds, spanning Gloucestershire and parts of Wiltshire and Warwickshire, is emerging as a haven for those seeking community, stunning landscapes, and a less crowded countryside retreat.
Gemma Maclaran, our Cotswolds advisor, shares with The Standard the region’s understated allure: “What I love about the mid-Cotswolds is that it is a little less manicured than Oxfordshire. It is very rural and the villages tend to have fewer second homes, so there is a really good sense of community. It has got a relaxed, outdoorsy feel.”
Read the full article here.