Gemma Maclaran spotlights Ebrington, one of the best secret villages to live in

Ebrington, one of the best secret villages to live in – with Gemma Maclaran

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Finding the perfect village can be a challenge, especially when seeking the right blend of charm, amenities and community. With over 6,000 villages in the UK, The Times highlights 20 of the best-kept secret villages that are always in demand among those in the know. In company of these top picks, our Cotswolds advisor – Gemma Maclaran – shines the light on the understated allure of Gloucestershire’s Ebrington.

“It’s really pretty, but it’s the community that makes a village, and Ebrington, perhaps because it’s a little bit out of the limelight, has a really good one. This is a real place, not too manicured.”

Read the full article here