Posts Tagged :

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Taking the long view
Market Insights: Taking the long view
1024 576 Middleton Advisors

Our Market Insights series investigates key trends and structural changes in UK housing markets. In this volume we consider the dilemma facing some current buyers: Is now a good time to buy? Should I wait for prices to fall more? How much might prices fall? An analysis of the last 70 years of UK housing market behaviour suggests that, for most people, such agony is unnecessary.

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The New Prime
Market Insights: The New Prime
1024 576 Middleton Advisors

Our ‘Market Insights’ is a series of ongoing research to investigate key trends and structural changes in UK housing markets. This latest research, undertaken by Yolande Barnes Consulting (YBC), looks…

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Tax Implications for International Purchasers
Tax implications for international purchasers of UK residential property.
1024 683 Middleton Advisors

Historically, the way for non- UK resident non- UK domiciled individuals (NRNDs) to acquire personal use UK residential property was through a non-UK company as this provided a ‘blocker’ from…

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