The Middleton 100

The Middleton 100 – inspiration for weekend warriors!

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The second Middleton 100 cycle ride took place on Saturday 8 October 2016, with 20 participants completing a 100-kilometre course through some of southern England’s most beautiful countryside including Leith Hill, the second highest point in the South East of England.

Middleton team on bikes

Middleton’s Mark Crampton, who organised the event, said: “My thanks to everyone who joined us –  I felt everyone got something out of the day, and hope we’ll see you at the next M100″.

“Our thanks in particular to Athlete Lab and Wyndy Milla, who supported the event, and to John McAvoy”.

“John is a reformed Category A Prisoner who is now world indoor rowing champion and a world-class IronMan triathlete. You can learn more about John from his interview with the BBC’s Trevor McDonald, but suffice to say that it was a truly inspiring start to the day to hear John tell us a bit of his story”.

“The aim of the Middleton 100 has always been to get a group of like-minded individuals out for a fun day on our bikes in the beautiful countryside”.

The route of the second M100 cycle ride

If you’d like to know more about the Middleton 100, please contact Mark Crampton.