questions estate agents don't want you to ask

Ashley Wilsdon shares the questions estate agents don’t want you to ask — but you absolutely should

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For many, buying a property is a significant investment and being well informed is vital. Ashley Wilsdon, Head of London Buying, spoke to The Evening Standard, along with other leading buying agents, about some of the questions that prospective buyers should be asking.

One agent believes finding out why a vendor wants to sell is crucial, whereas another deliberates if you should be sussing out any sub-agents. Above all else though, Ashley Wilsdon thinks a key question estate agents may shy away from is about the seller’s timescale. Ashley explains that this topic can be crucial for completing deals and may even help negotiations; “[Enquiring about timescale] is often overlooked at the offer stage, and many deals fall apart because this isn’t discussed at the outset.”

Read the full article here.