questions to ask your advisor

Seven essential questions to ask your advisor

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Buying or selling a home can be overwhelming, with many different factors to consider when picking your agent or advisor.

Ashley Wilsdon, Head of London Buying, spoke to the Evening Standard and outlined what you should be looking for in an advisor and what questions you need to be asking them before trusting them with your property purchase or sale.

Ashley explains that one of the most important considerations when selecting a selling agent is to make sure you are asking questions about their proposed strategy. Whilst selling agents should be able to tell you how your home is placed within the market and give a comparison with other properties sold in the area, Ashley says, “A selling agent should take a bespoke approach to selling your home and be in a position to explain the reasoning behind the strategy.”

Another concern may be knowledge of buyers in the market; how proactive are they, and how reliant are they on property portals to bring in buyers? A good way to test this is to ask how many buyers you can expect to view the property within the first week, suggests Ashley. “An estate agent should be able to recite by name the buyers they think will be interested. Typically, the best buyers are already in the market.”

Read the full article in Yahoo Finance or the Evening Standard.