Lucy Mulford 2

Meet Lucy Mulford, Head of Finance, Middleton Advisors

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In her previous role with NatWest, Middleton’s Head of Finance Lucy Mulford was a graduate manager based at Oxford University acting as a point of contact for Rhodes Scholars. “I was lucky enough to attend many Oxford Union Debates. The highlight was meeting Jerry Springer who had many tales to tell,” says Lucy, though she is unwilling to elaborate on these, on the record! Similar levels of discretion are very much part of the Middleton ethos, where Lucy has controlled the finances since 2012.

Lucy arrived at Middleton initially for a day a week as her job with a pharma/biotech company wound down at a nearby office in Abingdon. As the business has steadily grown, so has her own role and the need for increasingly sophisticated financial analysis to support decisions regarding the business. Lucy is now full-time. “I’ve enjoyed being part of that growth, but also the fact that we are still, in corporate terms, a small business and I know all of our colleagues, suppliers and partners by first names.”

Lucy is an Associate Member of the International Association of Bookkeepers as well as the International Association of Accounting Professionals and a student member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.