Erika Maitland 2

Meet Erika Maitland, marketing co-ordinator, London team

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Erika’s degree in public relations from the London College of Communications has always been a useful string to her bow since joining Middleton Advisors in 2015. But the company’s ambition to develop the business further meant there was an opportunity to take hold of the marketing and PR programme fully, and so Erika was appointed marketing coordinator in late 2018.

“Having really got to know Middleton’s business and the prime property sector has given me the confidence to start building our marketing programme,” says Erika. “The absolute central principal of our marketing strategy has always been, ‘do a great job and be trusted’. That’s how and why 90 percent of our new business comes from clients referring us to their own contacts and friends. But, of course, we also have to build awareness of the Middleton brand and our values in an increasingly competitive sector, not just amongst clients, but other professionals such as lawyers, financial advisors and other agents.”

“That’s a very different challenge to my previous role, which was focused on set deadlines and a check-list of tasks. Now, I’m juggling several projects at once, and always having to be proactive rather than reactive. I have to be aware of the way that Middleton and the prime property sector are rapidly evolving.”

“Even since I graduated, brand marketing has changed, so I have to keep on top of the new channels available to us to get our message out there. I’m loving these responsibilities.”

Outside of work Erika switches off by navigating the London traffic on her bike, and as a player for The Streets netball team.