The Middleton way

The Middleton way

600 400 Middleton Advisors

There are five watch-words for Middleton. Focus. Independence. Trust. Diligence. Knowledge. These are the foundations of our property research consultancy.


Each year, more than one million residential properties change hands in the UK. We may transact about 30 of these. We don’t influence global trends. And global trends don’t influence us. So we don’t focus too much on what we can’t change.

We focus on you as an individual.

We focus on the lifestyle that you have now and the one you and your family want in the future. We focus on acquiring a property to enhance your life, on your terms, in your timescale.


We know – because we ask them – that our clients genuinely value, genuine independence. Middleton is a privately owned business. We don’t sell property. We don’t work on conflicting briefs. We don’t give commission to associates or Middleton employees. We don’t give or take commission from third parties.

We don’t allow anything or anyone to cloud the clarity or impartiality of our thinking.

We also know that the property information we acquire from our contacts is all the stronger because of this independence from any other party to a transaction.


Our marketing strategy has always been simple: do a great job and be trusted. That is how – and why – 90 per cent of our new business comes from referrals.

Much of this trust comes from telling you things that you want to hear – such as our independence; our insistence on limiting the number of clients per advisor; the transparency of our fees. But we also build trust by not being afraid to tell you what you don’t want to hear. In other words we also trust ourselves, because our instincts have a solid foundation in diligence, experience and sheer depth of property knowledge.


Not just due diligence. Not just the sort of diligence that uncovers a local planning application or a disputed boundary. But the sort of diligence that means we will practise your potential commute, on a Tuesday, at 5.00am, before we even take you to see the house. The sort of diligence that enables us to know when a property could be for sale even though it’s not on the market. The sort of diligence that you might not think you need … until you experience it.


Over the last 20 years, Middleton’s advisors have acquired an encyclopaedic knowledge of the UK’s prime residential property sectors. Our instincts for value, opportunity and lifestyle-fit are supported, always, by the certainty that comes from exhaustive research and in-depth experience.