carbon neutral business

Carbon Neutral Business: Our Initiative

200 108 Middleton Advisors

While world leaders have been looking at the biggest of all pictures at the recent UN Climate Change Conference, we, as a business, are still very aware of our responsibility to put our own house in order and minimise our impact on the planet.

As part of our commitment to reduce our carbon footprint we recently commissioned an appraisal on our emissions in 2020/2021 and how we can minimise them going forward.

Middleton’s marketing manager Erika Maitland, who has taken responsibility for driving the company’s green agenda, commented:

“Working with Carbon Footprint, we looked at everything from the energy we use to power our offices to the miles travelled by train, car and motorbike. There was no surprise that the largest emission group was from our company cars. However, having already transitioned to electric cars for three of our Advisors, and motorbikes for getting around London, we will continue our commitment to going green and expanding the electric fleet over the next few years.”

The independently-conducted appraisal  informed us that our emissions were just under 21 tonnes, and we were advised on a variety of initiatives to continue to offset those carbon emissions. One of the those was the UK Tree Planting project.

“The UK Tree Planting programme takes place at schools across the UK as well as other biodiversity sites,” said Erika. “This particular project is also part of the Carbon Footprint Tree Buddy programme. So for each tree planted on home ground Carbon Footprint will offset 1 tonne of CO2 as part of their VCS projects reducing emissions from deforestation in Brazil and South America.”

As a business, but also as individuals, we are determined to remain transparent as we continue along our journey of carbon neutrality and so we will continue to provide updates on our progress.