Changes to Middleton Advisors advisory board

Changes to Middleton Advisors advisory board

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After 10 years of working with the founding partners of Middleton Advisors, Rupert Bradstock has stepped down from the company’s Advisory Board.

With his considerable experience in the prime property sector, Rupert has helped guide the company through its growth over the last decade.

Founding partners Mark Parkinson and Tom Hudson said “We are particularly grateful for Rupert’s steady hand on the tiller during some remarkably eventful years including Brexit and a global pandemic. We have always been grateful for his input and never more so during the deeply worrying times we’ve all faced at the beginning of the pandemic. We would like to thank Rupert for his contribution so far and he will remain closely involved with the business as a friend.”

Concurrent with this change, we are delighted to announce the formation of a new Advisory Board, with Juliette Stacey and Chris Eadie complementing the founding partners’ skills and experience.

Also seen on Prime Resi.

Read the full announcement here.