long-stay hotel guests

Rhianne McIlroy on the long-stay hotel guests who book in for months

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We all love a hotel break. No matter where you are, staying in a luxury hotel provides an escape from the everyday laundry, cooking, and cleaning. But what if you lived in a hotel full-time?

The Telegraph says there are individuals doing just that across the world and as Rhianne McIlroy, South West London Buying Advisor explains, there are distinct cohorts among London hotel-dwellers.

“You get the people who moved out of the capital during the pandemic, who use a hotel as their London base when they work in town; trusted mid-range hotels that they’ll come back to again and again.” She continues: “Then you get high-net-worth people who are used to having staff such as nannies and chefs and see hotel living as a way of replicating this without the capital outlay of a London home.”

Read the full article here.