Hugh Leslie interior designer and architect

The professional view: Hugh Leslie, interior designer and architect

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There’s a tendency to think of interior designers as a luxury, someone who suggests pillows and wallpaper. But the role of an experienced, design professional can be far greater than aesthetics, and will focus not just on design and decoration, but on interior architecture. That means working with clients and other design professionals to optimise where walls and doorways are placed, where cloakrooms are positioned, giving entryways and hallways a proper perspective and ensuring that rooms flow effortlessly into one another. “

 It’s the equivalent of having a suit made for you rather than buying off the rack,” says Hugh Leslie of Hugh Leslie Design. “We want everything to fit together and function perfectly. This is what takes a property to the next level, enhancing the joy of living in it now, but also protecting its long-term value. A well-designed home will always be welcoming and comfortable and for that reason always be desirable.”

 “Looking at architectural drawings or plans can be unnerving. We make it our responsibility to clearly illustrate to clients what is possible and what is not. An experienced designer can help to make sense of, and bring to life two-dimensional plans, clarifying the movement and flow between rooms.”

 “Architectural drawings don’t always take into consideration how people live in spaces and this is where an interior designer who specialises in interior architecture shines. The earlier an interior architect or designer is on board the better. Envisioning a project’s potential from the onset is much more effective than coming along once the main building work is complete. An understanding of how the finished project will look allows a tremendous insight into how to move forward.”


“Seeing drawings complete with furniture plans, one can begin to understand how each of the spaces interconnect. Where you will be able to hang pictures, lighting plans and movement throughout the space are all within the scope of how an interior architect can make a project come alive.”

“And, financially it makes sense to engage an interior architect or designer. Alterations are easily achieved early in a project, but can be costly and disruptive further down the line.”

“Furnishings are expensive and should not be chosen quickly. Having the coordination of professional schemes and layouts means the correct choices for the space will be made and, equally importantly, will work in the space once delivered. I’ve often experienced clients buy something they fell in love with only to find it doesn’t work or even fit in the elected space.”

“An experienced interior designer will be able to enhance, enliven and improve a project. Whether it is your home, workspace or occasional bolthole, choosing to work with an interior designer will alter your conception of how achievable your goals can be and add value.”