The Times Bricks & Mortar 18 November 2016

The Times, Bricks & Mortar, 18 November 2016

600 242 Middleton Advisors

Tom Hudson of Middleton Advisors was quoted in the The Times newspaper’s Bricks and Mortar saying “behaviour has noticeably changed. People are more cautious. Country buyers are always more interested in long-term purchases than city buyers generally, but now they are even keener to ensure that their ‘for ever home’ really is right. So they will check things more fastidiously; for example, is someone going to build in the field next to them and change the view or access of the house? In the past people might have looked at a potential nearby bypass and think, ‘Well, it’s not going to happen in the next five years, so I don’t care.’ Now they want to be sure they know what’s going to happen in the next 20 years.”

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