The professional view: Danny Fisher Pure Green Energy

The professional view: Danny Fisher, Pure Green Energy

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Areas of expertise: renewable energy systems, ethical energy policy, domestic/commercial/industrial sectors.

“The rapid ratification of the Paris Accord is one of the strongest signals yet, that governments are seriously committed to the reduction of global warming,” says Danny Fisher of Pure Green Energy for Life. “That, combined with the advance in renewable energy technologies, means that it’s possible to contribute at an individual level and even benefit financially from incentives to generate electricity such as Feed in Tariffs (FIT) and the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) for producing heating and hot water.”

“For residents of large, and/or listed properties, the introduction of carbon-neutral, wood-burning biomass boilers has transformed the options available under the RHI scheme. Previously, only well insulated properties could benefit from low carbon solutions such as heat pumps because they depend on changes in external temperatures to provide heat.”

“With biomass, not only does it provide ‘high end heat’, but there is often no need to interfere with existing internal plumbing, so ROI can be well over ten per cent.”

“In terms of electricity generation, the newer forms of solar photovoltaic panel are much more discreet, either ground-mounted or as individual roof tiles.”

“These, and other advances in battery storage technology are offsetting the reduction in subsidies, so that virtually any property can benefit from renewable energy”

Pure Green is accredited in the installation of renewable energy systems, which is a requirement to receive government funding.

Pure Green’s view:

  • Governments committed to renewable energy systems
  • Tariffs are being reduced, but advances in technology support ROI
  • Key technologies are: carbon-neutral biomass systems; solar photovoltaic panels; battery storage
  • Options for large and/or listed buildings increasingly effective and economically beneficial

The professional view.

A critical aspect of what Middleton Advisors offers is the ability to draw on different strands of expertise from across the full spectrum of property and professional services. The Middleton ‘professional view’ blog offers topical comment from experts and professionals to provide insights into the current market for prime property in London and the UK countryside – what is driving activity and prospects, trends, legislative changes, opportunities and threats.