Our new brochure

Our new brochure

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Our new company brochure is focused on the five core Middleton watch-words that have underpinned our business since we opened our doors in 2008 – trust, independence, focus, diligence and knowledge. Each of these values is supported by quotes from clients for whom we have completed property transactions.

new brochure open

Founders Mark Parkinson and Tom Hudson, commented:

“Moving from ‘new kids on the block’ in 2008, to a strong, established brand in the prime property sector has been quite the journey. We launched into the financial crash of 2008, and so the caution that those seismic events engendered meant that evolution, not revolution was always the plan.”

“We’ve maintained that course, through the even more harrowing storms of 2020, and from buying specialists originally, Middleton has now evolved into a broad-based property advisory service – something of a ‘family office’. We’ve built our reputation on word-of-mouth, extended our services in response to demand, and created a network of professionals who we are happy to recommend when you have a requirement that falls outside our area of expertise.”

“We are grateful to all of our clients who have been generous enough to allow us to quote them in our brochure – a measure of trust that we do not ever take for granted.”

“We ourselves have quoted the Harvard Business Review, which says: ‘We think of trust as precious and yet it’s the basis for almost everything we do’. We think of it as both.”

For a copy of our new brochure, click here.