property advice

Everything you need to know about buying in 2024 with Ben Horne and Ashley Wilsdon

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Inflation and interest rates are easing. Mortgage advisors urge clients to seek better rates amidst high competition, and property experts have noticed prime markets have recovered but affordability strains persist. Another thing to consider is the upcoming general election. It could lead to increased demand due to potential pre-election Budget giveaways. This uncertainty emphasises the importance of acting early to benefit from positive sentiment and stability in the property market.

In light of this, The Telegraph has consulted with top property experts to offer potential buyers valuable insights into key considerations for 2024…

The estate agent model has evolved, so before picking up the phone to the obvious names, do some research, recommends Ben Horne, Head of Country Buying “Alongside the familiar high street names, there are several very good smaller operators [especially in the prime country house market]. Establish connections with big and small names.”

Supply is likely to also be an issue, certainly across the prime markets, and buyers may only have one or two opportunities to buy the right property in a 12-month period, warns Ashley Wilsdon, Head of London Buying. “Have your ducks in a row – finance in play, solicitor instructed, surveyor on standby and a clear understanding of timeframes you can commit to before jumping in.”

Read the full article here.