advisors need to live close to the homes

Do advisors need to live close to the homes they are selling? with Tom Parsons

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Freedom from your desk, glorious beaches and lack of rain all seem like great reasons to live remotely as a selling advisor. But is the best scenario for your client?

The Times spoke to one estate agent in particular who has lived abroad for a number of years and claims it is a great success when selling property.

Although this may have worked for this particular advisor we beg to differ. Tom Parsons, London Sales advisor states:  “In my view it is crucial for agents to be based in the area where they’re selling properties,” he says. “Operating from abroad severely limits the level of service that can be provided”. As local property advisors, our London Sales team have the flexibility to quickly respond to any situation that arises. Being nearby allows them to facilitate access for gardeners, contractors, or stagers, a level of support that would be impossible from a distance.

In cases where an advisor lives abroad, they may rely on a colleague or associate. However, this individual might lack an established relationship with the client, which could lead to a lack of trust regarding access to and management of their property.

We also believe it’s important for an advisor to be walking the pavements, getting information on the market and in particular, information about each viewing. It’s crucial to be transparent with your client on what potential buyers are feeding back about the home, making it a significant disadvantage if an advisor isn’t there to relay this information.
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