Who is best for country property conveyancing
Middleton Advice paper: Who is best for country property conveyancing?
453 297 Middleton Advisors

Conveyancing principles are the same, irrespective of the property. Yet the practicalities of buying a country house with grounds, swimming pool, stables, paddocks and staff accommodation are worlds away from those which apply to buying a smart town-house. So who is going to be best placed to deliver a smooth conveyance?

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Do I need a Quantity Surveyor
Middleton Advice paper: Do I need a Quantity Surveyor?
453 297 Middleton Advisors

The majority of buyers of country houses and estates will be contemplating improvements even before completion. Accurately estimating the cost of your project, and staying within budget is never simple.

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Middleton client stories: Joe Mercer Nairne
Middleton client stories: Joe Mercer Nairne
1024 681 Middleton Advisors

Middleton client Joe Mercer Nairne barely had a chance to caramelise the endive, crush the borlotti beans or purée the fennel before his restaurant venture was awarded its first Michelin star. Now with three AA Rosettes, London AA Restaurant of the Year award, and ecstatic reviews from the not-easily-pleased AA Gill, Jay Rayner, Matthew Norman and Giles Coren, Joe reflects on his first three years as head chef and co-owner of Medlar in Chelsea.

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Lucy Mulford 2
Meet Lucy Mulford, Head of Finance, Middleton Advisors
830 553 Middleton Advisors

“I’ve enjoyed being part of Middleton’s growth, but also the fact that we are still, in corporate terms, a small business and I know all of our colleagues, suppliers and partners by first names.”

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does cost of property ownership vary in different world cities
How does cost of property ownership vary in different world cities?
453 297 Middleton Advisors

Although a ‘mansion’ tax is under consideration in the UK, it’s still unlikely to take the real cost of ownership above New York or Hong Kong.

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Middleton client stories: Matthew Rampton
Middleton client stories: Matthew Rampton
453 297 Middleton Advisors

When Matthew Rampton approached Middleton to find a country house in the UK, he made it clear that enabling his children to pursue their ambition as downhill ski racers was key.

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Middleton client stories Neil Franks
Middleton client stories: Neil Franks
453 297 Middleton Advisors

“Exercise is changing,” says Athlete Lab founder and Middleton client, Neil Franks who, having retired from the oil industry, is now focused on building another kind of ‘energy’ business – one that is very close to his heart-rate monitor.

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Middleton client stories: John Keevill
Middleton client stories: John Keevill
453 297 Middleton Advisors

“I’d happily encourage other organisations to get involved in this type of activity. It may appear primarily philanthropic, but there are genuine commercial benefits as well,” says Middleton client John Keevill of his company’s support of the King’s Head Theatre Company.

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Middleton client stories: Paul Barry-Walsh
Middleton client stories: Paul Barry-Walsh
453 297 Middleton Advisors

While the term ‘big society’ did not exist when entrepreneur Paul Barry-Walsh, established Fredericks Foundation in 2001, he is convinced that the ethos did.

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